Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Gangs and Drugs

Gangs and drugs go hand in hand. For many street gangs the more market they have management of; the more gross income they get. In order for them to have control over the maximum drug market, they either have to use force, or make peace between there other gang competitors. Some gangs take domination of other inferior gang drug vends. When such an action as using force to get control, in some cases wars are made between the gangs involved. Many of gang related murders in prison are because of the wanting of power or trying to maintain it. In other cases instead of causing war and conflicts between the gangs peace is made. This kind of action is done to facilitate the selling of the drugs. For some gang members the drug market is a great way to make easy money. But like I said this kind of earnings is only for very some gang members not many.
According to a research done by a former gang member; the gang he was in consisted of a leader, two officers, 75 foot soldiers, and 200 rank and file individuals. The leader made up to 100,000 a year, the officers about 1,000 a month and the others no more then the minimum wage. Only a few realize that there’s not much money in for many of them.

Some gangsters that didn’t let the problems the drug market business brings you are the Gangster Disciples. This gangster that originated from Chicago has been making millions in the illegal selling of drugs. They consist of 300,000 members in Chicago alone. There rumors that some gang members even become police officers. They have ability to corrupt correctional officers, inside jails, and this way contraband smuggling operations take place. Gangs and drugs are compatible, they both can cause great harm.

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