Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Obama's Notre Dame

The speech Obama gave for the graduating class of Notre Dame was an admirable speech in my opinion. The way he stated his views on the topic of abortion showed what an understanding person he is, and how he is a reasonable guy. The message he was giving to the audience about the abortion topic is that he is willing to compromise. We should try to understand both sides of the conflict and like he said, “fight for what we consider right , without demonizing those with just as strongly held convictions on the other side.” He made it clear to the audience on how he was going to handle the abortion situation trough this speech.

For example, he showed ho his willing to compromise by starting his abortion talk on a personal experience he talked about. He talked about this email he got from a doctor. In the email the doctor told him that he had voted for him in the primary election, but was not sure of voting for him again in the general election. He was not sure because of a slogan he saw in Obama's website referring to pro-life’s individuals as a simply ideologue who wanted to inflict suffering on women. He himself was pro-life. He asked Obama not to change his opinions on abortion but to speak about it in fair minded words. He showed he was willing to do this by changing what he had written in his website.

Also, he talked about how he is going to avoid the abortion issue. He understood that a topic was a complex problem with any different views. He knows that each side will fight for the side they are on the matter with passion and conviction. I very agree much agree with this statement. It shows with these words he said in the speech that he is not only looking at the problem from his point of view, but also trying to comprehend the other side.

At last, he talked about ways to reduce abortion. This is something both side will agree to want to do. One of the ways he talked about is to reduce unintended pregnancies. We could do this by talking to the teenagers more about protecting themselves, because teenage pregnancies are really high rate now. Also he talked about making adoption more available. And at last another thing we can do is support the women who carry out to have there child. These ideas are something we all can agree on to reduce abortion.

These are all really good ideas he mention in the speech to let the audience know how willing he is to compromise with the people affected by this issue. He truly shows how he wants to make a change in abortion rates. The way Obama handle the problem with the pro-life people in the audience showed what a reasonable guy he can be. All the things he mention about the doctors note, how he is going to confront the abortion issue and ways to reduce abortion are things we can look at and makes us open our eyes more and see the problem in a whole new different way with more understanding eyes to both sides.

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