Monday, March 9, 2009

Some Gang Topics

What are gangs?Its a group of criminals or hoodlums who band together for mutual protection and profit.The topic I choose to write about is the gang life. Some of the topics I am going to be covering are how you get initiated into a gang, what they are asked to do to be considered a member, like getting jumped in into the gang for guys, and for girls having sex with members of the gang. Another topic is why they decide to join, what their motives are, and what they think their going to get out of it. Some may think they get respect and others may want to join for protection. Also, I am going to be covering the problems gangs bring to the community there apart of, such as violence, drugs, and robbery and other criminal behavior. I choose this topic because I thought it would be interesting, people need to know and be aware about the gang life,there's more to them then the reputation they have. We also need to understand whats going on in order to find a solution to gang violence.

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