Sunday, March 15, 2009

What motives people have to join a gang?

Do you ever wonder what motives people have to join a gang, why would they want that lifestyle? There are many reasons why they do it. There’s does who don’t have a choice, since it’s a life there just born into. With all their family being members it’s the only way of living they know, so they just don’t know any better. Other people do for protection either in the streets or in prison. When you’re in prison you pretty much don’t have a choice; you’re practically forced into a gang. You need protection in prison, and the gang you join is going to provide that for you. If you don’t join a gang according to your race you’re just going to be alone an outsider. You might end up becoming someone’s victim in different ways, such as rape, getting a beating and other things. While In the streets its just protection from people out to get you. There’s others that do it to have a sense of belonging, for the gang makes them feel a part of something, it makes them feel needed, they think they have a family to turn to, something they may lack at home. Problems at home may also push a lost kid into a gang. And one of the dumbest reason people join, for fun. They might think the gang life is all a fun and games that it’s full of parties, drugs, alcohol, and being respected in the neighborhood. But how can a life filled with death all around you, crime, violence, and having to watch your back because you don’t know when the rival gang is going to get you be fun.

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